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Apple for Teachers

Ignite the creativity in every student

Apple is paving the way for Teachers

Whether your institution is starting to explore how technology can support teaching and learning – or your teachers are seasoned pros – we’ve got you covered. We understand the pressures that schools face when choosing and adopting tech, making it work reliably, and ensuring that it enhances teaching and learning practices, and can support you in your journey.

Talk to Cyclone today about Apple solutions for education

We’re here to help, so give us a call on 0800 686 686 (Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm) or fill in the form below.


Maximize your teaching time by making classroom efficiencies. The latest tech and tools can help you stay focused on what matters.


Digitizing assessment can help you save time, reduce stress, and remove the risk of lost workbooks books!

Professional Development

From our teachers to yours. Our experienced educators can work with you and your students to deliver in-class CPD.


Maximizing teaching time is at the top of most teacher’s agenda.

We work with schools to deploy technology that can help reduce admin and maximize teaching time. This could be, for example, cutting out ‘photocopying’ time, by distributing worksheets digitally… or using Apple Classroom app to help guide students to the right places and resources.

If you’re looking to create efficiencies in your school, speak to our education consultants today.

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Digitizing assessment is becoming a well-established practice amongst New Zealand Schools.

Digitization not only saves time and reduces administration – it also enables new ways to provide student feedback, such as audio-notes.

Recent studies have shown that providing audio-notes as feedback can greatly impact the way students respond to and engage with the feedback provided.

If you want to learn more about how digitizing assessment can support teaching and learning at your school, speak to our Apple Education specialists today.

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Personal Development

If you’re looking to maximise the impact of technology in your school, professional development is key. We work with schools across New Zealand, utilizing a coaching and mentoring methodology. This means there is no requirement for cover, or for teachers to be out of the classroom.

With annual updates, and the regular introduction of new teaching tools, Apple is essential for everyone, whether you’re new to teaching with tech, or a seasoned pro.

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Powerful solutions for schools

Jamf Pro

Enterprise Management Solution

If your environment calls for enterprise-level features and functionality, Jamf Pro is the answer.

Jamf Connect

Identify and Authentication Solution

If your users would be more productive with one password and identify to access everything they need, try Jamf Connect.

Jamf School

Purpose-built Apple MDM for schools

The ideal solution for teachers or instructional technologists. Jamf School empowers educators to manage devices from the classroom. Teacher, Parent and Student apps are included in this solution. Jamf School creates the optimal digital experience and ensures students are focused and engaged.

Ask us for more information
Talk to Cyclone, the Apple Education Specialists today
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