Building a relationship that’s only getting stronger

Cyclone has helped Rangi Ruru Girls’ School in Christchurch develop a successful digital strategy, implement BYOD, improve staff skills, and save money.

Rangi Ruru is a private girls’ school in Christchurch for Years 7-13. It has a roll of 637 and is consistently one of New Zealand’s leading schools in academic achievement.

Over a decade of partnership

The relationship began a decade ago; today Cyclone provides Rangi Ruru Girls’ School with a comprehensive and flexible IT service and support package.

“Cyclone’s been a long-term provider of IT hardware to the school,” said Rangi Ruru Girls’ School Business Manager Neil Templeton. “Three years ago, its response to our RFP was extensive and cost effective, and removed the need for us to recruit specialist staff.”

“Cyclone have been responsive to changes in our needs and has the expertise and capability to bring the right person in for the right job.”

Cyclone has helped Rangi Ruru Girls’ School in Christchurch develop a successful digital strategy, implement BYOD, improve staff skills, and save money.

Neil Templeton, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School Business Manager

Areas of expertise

The school now benefits from Cyclone’s expertise in a wide range of areas, including:

  • Network support (including switching and wireless)
  • Ongoing evaluation and review of IT strategy, services and infrastructure
  • BYOD solution supply and advice for students/parents
  • Network and server management
  • Hardware sales
  • Office 365 support and training
  • Helpdesk support for staff and students

Responsive, supportive, cost-effective

When it comes to optimising Rangi Ruru Girls’ School’s digital technology, Head of IT Tim Jones speaks very highly of the Cyclone’s approach and performance.

“Having access to the company’s collective expertise has helped us address many technical issues, such as Wi-Fi connectivity, staff file sync and relocation of our VoIP PABX. The rationalisation of our server structures has not only improved performance but also saved significant monthly hosting costs.

Cyclone staff are all very friendly and approachable, as well as very good at communicating in a language that users can understand. They’re also extremely supportive of students, both on an individual basis and when helping groups, such as our Tech Angels, provide support to peers.

Cyclone’s very responsive to changes in our requirements, and is willing to tackle any other systems within the school, from security/surveillance and building management, to assistance with productions and presentations, and print/photocopy management.”

Understand how schools operate

One reason for Cyclone’s success is a clear understanding of schools and how they operate, believes Tim. Another is an attention to detail and keeping ahead of the game.

“Cyclone gets the best out of the digital technology by keeping its staff up to date with the latest training. There are two onsite staff who ensure all firmware updates and patches are in place in a timely manner. Our network and server infrastructure are under constant review.”

Recommend to others

As for the future, Neil Templeton is in no doubt that Cyclone will continue to exceed expectations and support the school’s successful digital strategy.

“We have been so happy with the service that we have recommended it to other schools, who have subsequently signed up. We only see the relationship getting stronger, particularly in the area of pedagogical PD, an area Cyclone are resourcing to a very high level.”

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